Saturday, November 12, 2011

Meeting someone??????

How the fuck does a single guy meet anyone these days?

I know I am not the most active of people but shiiiiiiiiit.

I swear it will never happen and there I was thinking that when I got back from Mexico I would be able to find someone so quick.  Well needless to say I was wrong, very wrong.

It is weird to think now that I had so much confidence when I got back...... things seem so different now.

In Mexico I was hot shit.   I mean I was one of probably 5 guys in Oaxaca city that was white and 20 something.  I could have gotten someone way way out of reach there and now I am here in America where I am your everyday joe.

Personally I think it is a waste of time and energy.  Why should I care?  Why can't i just do my own thing and be happy?   But nooooooo.......  I still want to be with someone.

I was thinking at work today...... Why can't I just be a normal guy?  I think I am different and weird.  Why?  maybe because I have not had a phone for a month and I do not feel as if i have missed anything.

What makes me happy?  What am I doing with my life?  I have not Idea and I feel like everyone else does!!!!!! WTF!!!!  Seriously, how the fuck did everyone figure themselves out so quickly and I am left in the dust?  I am starting to see myself as single in a sea of people in serious relationships and/or married.

It just pisses me off that I even care.... but I obviously do and very much at that.

I guess that is it.... I am looking to be in a relationship.  I signed up for a few months ago but I have not been very active on it yet...... but I did get to know a girl.... tru text but that went to shit when I destroyed my phone.

I guess I miss the feeling that someone loves you..... like Anabel.  She loved me with everything she had and I miss that so much.

So what now? I have not the slightest clue.........