Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Sleepless Night

This week I started doing a one week trial at a Hawaiian Cafe working as a cook. Last night i was weighing the pros and cons of the job there and other things which cost me a nights sleep resulting in getting up a 2 pm. I like having a job again, unemployment is no fun. So I need a job but do I take this one or go for something that I might like more? I guess the problem that I see with this job is that I can see myself getting really comfortable in it in about a month and be unhappy with it for that reason. A big part of me feels guilty for even thinking about not taking the job if offered to me. I am thinking like it is a luxury but it is far from that at the moment. I think I need to take any work that comes my way because well it is simple.... I need money! Do I want to find myself unhappy with my job in a month or 2? Another thing is that it is a fairly simple job so in the long run it will not make me happy. I was going for a dish washing job at other places so how are those any better? Well I have 2 more days of work before they decide whether or not to offer me the job.... I will do my best bad see what happens. Hopefully tonight I will be able to sleep.


Snl said...

From what you say i think you should accept that job and while you do it search for something better!
Today i will have a sleepless night too, 10 minutes to go to work and i slept 8 hours in 2 days, oh damn! lol

Unknown said...

Part of making progress may involve accepting jobs that are merely stepping stones. Take the unfulfilling job knowing that it will pay some bills for now. All the while, don't become complacent with the "for now" job. You can do better!