Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Well i have not been keeping up with my posts! Sorry to my non-existent readers!

I have been sick for the last 3 days. It's no fun. I seemed to have gotten a pretty bad case of food poisoning or some sort of a stomach bug. It's the worst. What kind of a stomach bug is it that leaves you hungry but you dare not eat because you know you would not be able to keep it down? It's weird. Well I will make a real post when I have something to tell and am better. Chow for now!


Rich said...

Sorry to hear you're sick. Get better soon.

Casey J. Burk said...

Hey, wazup man. Thought I would post something real quick...

Go and get some Tums.

Okay, I'm done bro! Lata tata.

drumsynth said...

Hey thx you guys. I am feeling better tonight.