9:35 p.m.
82 degrees indoors
Well I thought that this weather would be perfect to start my next project, this blog. I have always disliked writing things down, maybe because that is what I was made to do in school or maybe I just did not like the kind of people that write stuff down because I always thought that you could remember everything if you just exercised your memory. Sadly lately I have realized that my memory fall short of perfect or maybe even functional. At the ripe old age of 21 I find myself dumping old memories as I acquire new ones. My childhood begins to fade and when talking with my family I suddenly collectively remember something that has faded until almost completely gone. Maybe this is a natural part getting "older".
I posted an new song tonight.... it is imperfect but passable. myspace.com/drumsynth59 "missing someone"
I guess I have been wondering what it would be like to loose someone you love. The though of going through the rest of you life thinking about that person and trying to still live a wonderful and exciting life is scary to me. I have trouble living life with a wonderful family who loves me and is there for me when I am down and great uplifting friends that just want what is best for me, I can imagine if even one of them were to ever die. I would be a wreck.
That is how alot of others would be most likely to react I think, so maybe I am not that different. I think few people are prepared for a death close to them but it happens and people learn to keep living. I hope I could do the same when ever it happens.
I have so much to do and so much time. What will it take for me to DO SOMETHING? I will see what tomorrow holds and until then, g'night.
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I can relate to you in every sense of it! Althought i noticed i already achieved so many things that were in dreams. The thing is that suddently does things get in a second plan and i'm never satisfied, i always question if what i did it's really significant i feel like i have to do a lot more.
Lately things are going a little bit diferent, i guess i'm paying more atention to what i have instead of going crazy about what i don't. I'm finding a spot of peace and it feels cool to stay and relax.
Nowadays world made us rush into tasks that will not make our life better, tasks that society got as a definition for the right way to live you life. But who defines that? The society or you?
A human being lives about 80 years and if we lucky the suficient to reach that age we still have a very short life. Yes, i remember that "yesterday" i was doing castles in the beach sand, today i'm 24, in a 80 years life perpective 33,3% of life is gone. Will i spent the rest of it angry and sad? No way!
I totally know what you mean about having much to do and much time to accomplish it in. I also have big plans, but I never seem to stick my neck out and do anything to move closer to them. For me it's a fear of having to commit to something that could actually be considered work. For you it's probably something different.
Either way, good luck in whatever you do next. :)
Thank you Rich and Felix...
Well said. I think it is very important to be grateful for what you already have.... it will help you be a much happier person. Everyone has that right to live as the choose whether it is the right way society tell you to live or not. Everyone is happy doing different things. Be Happy!
You took the words out of my head!
"For me it's a fear of having to commit to something that could actually be considered work"
Sometimes you just got to do it before you realize it you are working hard and you love it(at least with me).
Thx guys.
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